Author: Khannoud

London (20/5 – 20)One academic was asked about the internet eating their young. This triggered a heated debate about the use of the internet the freedom in presents, the dangers of unfettered go for it all to the public, the rise of the left, the response by the right, and AI, or Artificial Intelligence. The seriousness of the debate can be seen at the UK sponsored conference on AI at Bletchley Park. Following this was the adaptation of the European law on Artificial Intelligence. 28 countries at the summit, including the United States, China, and the European Union, have issued…

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Berlin (29/2 – 30) Ukrainian officials are concerned that Russian advances could gain significant momentum by the summer unless their allies can increase the supply of ammunition, according to a person familiar with their analysis. Internal assessments of the situation on the battlefield from Kyiv are growing increasingly bleak as Ukrainian forces struggle to hold off Russian attacks while rationing the number of shells they can fire. Commander-in-Chief Oleksandr Syrskyi said Thursday that mistakes by frontline commanders had compounded the problems facing Ukraine’s defense around Avdiivka, which was captured by Russian forces this month. Syrskyi said he’d sent in more…

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The U.S. Navy has hired Saab to provide the Double Eagle undersea vehicle to Kuwait, according to a Dec. 11 news release from the Swedish firm. The Kuwait Naval Force is to receive the semi-autonomous, remotely operated system through the Pentagon’s Foreign Military Sales program. The company did not immediately respond to the Defense News’ request for further details about the sale, including the value of the contract. The Double Eagle can launch from several types of craft and from the shore to carry out mine countermeasure missions. Users can store the vehicle in standard containers. According to Saab, the…

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Saab has won a deal to supply a Double Eagle Semi-Autonomous Remotely Operated Vehicle (SAROV) to the Kuwait Naval Force through a Foreign Military Sale contract with the US Navy. Kuwait has become the seventh country to order or operate the platform with Poland recently adding systems to operate from the Polish Navy’s Kormoran II-class MCM minehunters. The Double Eagle family of undersea vehicles have been operationally proven and in the SAROV configuration the vehicle can be used both as an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) for detection, classification and identification, and as an ROV for mine disposal. The vehicles can be launched from ship, shore…

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Much like its ideological counterparts at HispanTV (Iranian-owned) and Actualidad RT (Russian-owned), Telesur wraps its incitement into a sophisticated and slick twenty-four-hour news platform through its website, broadcasts, and social media presence. Though it is difficult to gauge its influence, numbers suggest that Telesur’s message is impactful. Telesur has two million followers on its Spanish X account, 117,500 on its English X account, and more than half a million on Instagram. Its YouTube account has over 1.7 million subscribers, with 100,000 new subscribers and almost 7.4 million video views since October 7 (It also posts its videos on the Daily Motion). The network traditionally pushes out conspiracy theories, fake news, “whataboutism,”…

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EQL Financial Technologies, a financial technology solutions, has launched its two innovative platforms, Filings.AE and LEDGERS, in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Lionel Charles, CEO of EQL, said, “The launch of and LEDGERS UAE marks a new chapter in our mission to support SMBs. These platforms embody our dedication to promoting entrepreneurship, business activity, and employment creation. Dubai’s burgeoning status as a global economic hub makes it the perfect base for our next growth phase.” Filings.AE is designed to digitize and streamline the processes associated with UAE incorporation, trademark filing, corporate tax filing, and VAT. This unified cloud platform offers a…

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The Israeli occupation forces bombed the Kuwait school near the Indonesian Hospital in Gaza earlier on Monday in a new act of brutal aggression, said a Palestinian media source. The Palestine News and Info Agency (WAFA) revealed that the Israeli artillery and tanks besieged the Indonesian Hospital and bombed it since the early hours of last evening, adding that the forces fired several shells directly at the Kuwait school, which housed a number of displaced people. The Palestinian agency indicated that the number of martyrs and injured affected by the bombing was yet undetermined due to a telecommunications outage in…

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Official statistics reveal that during the fiscal year 2022/2023, citizens and residents in Kuwait spent around 460 million dinars on car fuel, with a total consumption of approximately 4.89 billion liters of various gasoline types, including premium, private, and ultra. Detailed data indicates a 9.5% increase in automobile fuel consumption by Kuwait’s citizens and residents, amounting to about 426 million liters. This brought the total consumption to 4.89 billion liters from the beginning of April 2022 to the end of March 2023, averaging 13.5 million liters per day. This represents a notable rise compared to the 4.465 billion liters recorded…

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KUWAIT CITY, Oct 25: The government is studying a proposal to issue tax legislation while abolishing the current tax laws which calls for comprehensive tax legislation under the name “Business Profits Tax Law” that imposes a tax estimated at 15 percent on the profits of all legal persons, including major international companies, while including articles that guarantee the exclusion of citizens and owners of small projects and will be applied in two stages. The sources told Al-Rai that the first phase of tax implementation begins on January 1, 2025, and will be applicable to major international companies (multinationals) while the…

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GREENSBORO, N.C. — A Greensboro man was sentenced to death when Investigators in Kuwait found drugs on him. committing a drug-related crime in a Middle Eastern country. Now, he’s home safe. There’s lots of laughter to catch up on between Carol Rogers and son Jermaine after nearly eight years of distance and tears. “There were lots of days I couldn’t hold my head up, his mother Carol Rogers shared. “I couldn’t do anything, I was so heartbroken, I was fearful for my son, I kept praying and trusting God to bring my son home.” Carol Rogers held her son’s hand…

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